Invite Dr. Tyler
Dr. Tyler lectures and presents various workshops designed to assist community and faith groups with the tools necessary to do justice work. Below are a few samples of the lectures Dr. Tyler can bring to your church, faith group or community organization. For more information please complete the speaker’s form and let him know how he can be of service to your group.
Workshops include topics as:
How to Bring Communities of Faith and Progressive Activist Communities Together
Using Social Justice as a Tool for Church Growth and Evangelism
Resist, Reflect, Renew: A Biblical Perspective On Doing Justice Based On The Book of Esther
A Raw Talk About Race
How to Develop a Study Travel Tour for Your Community Organization
The Fight for Justice for Marvin Booker: When the Church Leads the Fight
Speaking Engagement Request Form
The Reverend Timothy E. Tyler, D.Min.
Thank you for completing the pertinent information below. Please complete this form 30 days prior to the event date. Once the form is completed, Dr. Tyler’s office will contact you concerning his availability.